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Monday, November 15, 2010


Almost everyone nurses some sort of dream, vision, ambition or passion as the case may be, however we are soon discouraged and limited by our prevalent situations. Life is often about bridging that gap between your (sight) where you presently are and your (vision) where you want to be. What ensures that we reach our destination or otherwise is not the economic situation, family background or even relationship status, it is our ATTITUDE.

By ‘attitude’, I mean a general positive and productive disposition towards things and life in general. Sometimes we embark on a journey or project with so much enthusiasm, with little more than a dream and a gift or skill as the case may be, just like Joseph the son of Jacob. We often dream but we don’t calculate and just like Joseph we fall victim to envious peers, colleagues and family, we confront that bait that entices us to compromise our values, and no matter how right the decisions we take in life are, we often end up in prison.

The truth is, what guarantees you success is not the nobility of your actions but the carriage of the right attitude. It was Joseph’s attitude towards life and as regards his gift that translated his prison into his palace.

Your attitude affects everything. It affects the way you carry yourself. Joseph had the carriage of a leader even though he was one of the least in his household, and regardless of the fact that he was exposed to slavery at an early age by his brothers. He became the leader in prison because he embraced the secret of promotion, which is to always put in your best even in a worst case scenario.

Your attitude determines the way you see, while others saw the prison as a cage that locked them away from their freedom, Joseph decided to see the prison as a perfect platform to express his gifting.

His attitude did not pay off ‘immediately’, but it paid off big time.

The next time life throws you into that very uneasy and uncomforting situation, like it did to me only recently, rather than grumble and be bitter, why don’t you put on the right attitude, an attitude for success, increase and breakthrough. It doesn’t mean the road will not be bumpy, but you sure will enjoy the ride and even if you don’t hit the destination target, you definitely will be ahead of the park. What looks like a difficult and impossible situation may well announce you to the king’s presence.

Finally, I leave you with this food for thought. the prison is not a place to wail and moan, it is not a place to idle away, don’t waste or underestimate the people you meet in your prison, they may well be your network out of there. Wear a smile, be proactive, watch and pray and most importantly always give thanks.

© Tochi Eze Nov 2010.


  1. Thanks Tochi

    Keep dreaming
    Don't let anyone wake you
    No matter how badly life shakes you
    Don't jolt in fear or despair
    Just rollover & say a prayer
    And Keep Dreaming
    Water your dreams
    Don't ever let them die
    Until the dreams you visualize
    Come to life right before your eyes

    ...& then, wake up the world.


  2. thanks again Ozion, your comments are always an inspiration. God bless you loads! Cheers.
